Deep Fried Tim Tams — Straya Day edition

Hello our fryday-fryers, 

We have received many emails, letters, texts and messages via carrier pigeon, all from you wondering what has happen to your weekly fry fix. Some were wondering if our large intake of deep-fried saturated fats has finally taken a toll on our health, others just sent us abuses and told us to hurry the f-ck up and fry some shit already. 

Truth be told, the reason for our extended disappearance was due to a very distressing visited to our doctor. After taking heed to the warnings of the general practitioner to curb our addiction to fried food, we went on a diet. And after a week of only eating low carb/low sugar/low fats/low fun food, we started to feel our hearts beat regularly again. But what would happen to frydayfryday?! 

And anyway, sounded lame. So, for the greater good and for our fans, we decided to forgo our health and continue down the path to a cardiopulmonary-arrest. 

So we’re back in the kitchen with our fryer turned up to high.

And if you ever want to climax after 3 seconds, try forgoing chocolate for a week and then take a bite out of this bad boy. Which bad boy am I talking about? Move over Ryan Gosling*, his name is Tim. 

Tim Tam, that is.



Tim Tam is an Australian chocolate biscuit (or “cookie” for our North American brothers and sisters). As described by Wikipedia, it is “composed of two layers of chocolate malted biscuit, separated by a light chocolate cream filling, and coated in a thin layer of textured chocolate”. As described by the frydayfryday team, it is simply “a chocolate orgy”.



As for the batter, the trick is to caress flour, water, baking soda together until you get something that looks like a gooey, lumpy, sticky concoction. I’m pretty sure that’s too how Nigella would describe it too.

Now dump your Tim Tams in the batter and let them frolic in it until they’re covered in its lumpy goodness, then DEEP FRY THAT SHIT.



Now bask it in its delectable glory. It’s moments like these that I am proud to be from ‘Straya.



The taste test:

“This is the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth”

“I would marry this biscuit if marriage to inanimate objects was legal.” 

“Sex with a man will now forever disappoint me”

In conclusion: By far the best thing we have fried to date. Tim Tams a great as they are, but that’s like saying Ryan Gosling would be great as a celibate, vegan monk. Same as we prefer him naked, we like our Tim Tams fried. 

The final score: 10/10

*I’m sure Ryan Gosling could also achieve a female orgasm in 3 seconds or less. But unlike the Tim Tam, I have no evidence to disprove this theory. If, by any chance you are reading this Mr Gosling, feel free to prove us wrong by contacting us at